Below are the abilities
that I should develop as a computing student
1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts,
concepts, principle and theories relating to computer and computer applications
As a computing student
it is a must to have a sound knowledge of computer and computer applications. A
man who has done full analysis of theory as well as practical aspects of
computing fundamentals can only demonstrate his knowledge and understanding in
a better way. For developing such abilities a sound research followed by
relative practical analysis is very essential. One must acquire a wide
knowledge of computing concepts, principles and theories utilizing all the
available resources like books, recent magazines, internet etc. Being updated
about the recent technological advancements is another good way for gathering
and demonstrating essential knowledge on computing .As a whole we must enhance
our knowledge and understanding on computing so that we can uplift our ability
to demonstrate the essential facts in an effective way.
2. Operate computing equipment, taking account of its logical and
physical properties and any risk and safety aspects
When we are going
to operate any computing equipment it is very necessary to know about the risks
and hazards and take safety measures beforehand. The good knowledge of logical
and physical aspects of computing equipment only can minimize the workplace
accidents. A sound research must be done before operating any equipment and we
must do practical works in the supervision of our teachers during our early
phases. Slowly and gradually after we acquire good knowledge on physical and
logical aspects along with its practical assist we can develop the ability to
operate computing equipment safely minimizing all the possible risks.